Wound Care
The Wound Care Center is a specialty service Central Peninsula Hospital offers to patients with infected or slow-healing wounds, ostomy difficulties and complicated feet and toenails requiring special care. Our Wound and Ostomy certified nurses provide you with personal care, treatment and education throughout your healing process to not only help heal your wound, but also teach you how to help yourself heal and avoid problems in the future. The Wound Care Center staff works closely with other healthcare team members, keeping them informed of their patients’ progress.
Why We’re Here
A wound that won’t heal or an ostomy that’s causing problems can prevent you from fully enjoying life. Our goal is to provide evaluation and treatment plans that will eliminate or prevent infection, promote healing of troublesome wounds or keep your ostomy functioning properly.
Who We Help
Our wound patients include many with diabetes or other peripheral nerve damage or blood vessel insufficiency that slows healing, as well as trauma patients and those with mobility issues or surgery incisions. Ostomy patients include those with permanent or temporary colostomies (large intestine), ileostomies (small intestine), and urostomies (bladder). Common ostomy issues addressed include poorly fitting appliances that leak and decreased wear time. Diagnosed complicated feet and toenails may have been caused by diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, PAD, or PVD. Our familiarity with these issues enables us to discover the cause and find solutions to your problems.
What We Do
Because each patient is completely unique, we work with you individually to develop a treatment plan specific to your situation. Developing an individualized plan may include some noninvasive tests to ensure we are using the best treatment approach. It will also include talking with you so that we have a clear understanding of your activities and lifestyle, general health and specific concerns, and any challenges you face coming in for care. We can evaluate ongoing treatment plans and results, identify and treat new problems, and perform procedures in the clinic to aid with wound healing. We provide access to community resources that assist with enabling you to get to appointments, receive home supplies as needed, and promote overall good health and well-being.
How to Access Our Services
We can see patients in the Wound Care Center Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm. A referral from your primary care provider is required for treatment. If you have a wound, ostomy or complicated toenails causing you concern, please contact the Wound & Ostomy Clinic to schedule an appointment. We will work with you to schedule the most convenient appointment times and guide you in completing any necessary paperwork. Your health and well-being are our primary concerns and we welcome all questions you may have about your care. Call 714-4874 for more information.
We provide Advice and Treatment for:
• Skin at risk
• Pressure ulcers
• Lower extremity venous insufficiency ulcers
• Lower extremity arterial ischemia or ulcers
• Diabetic foot wound and ulcers
• Traumatic wounds
• Surgical wounds
• Nonhealing wounds
• Lymphedema
• Ostomy care
• Nail care and callous management
• Ordering supplies for wound and ostomy care
• Negative pressure wound vac system management
• Compression wraps and stockings