Patient Financial Services
Have questions about your bill? Please contact us at (907) 714-4424 from 8:30am to 4:45pm.
Interested in learning more about Financial Assistance click HERE
Central Peninsula Hospital, all CPH clinics and hospital outpatient departments accept Medicare, Medicaid, VA and Workers Compensation.
In-Network Insurances
Our Hospital, Clinics, Clinic Physicians, Emergency Room Physicians, Anesthesiologists and Pathologists are preferred providers for:
- Moda
- Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Cigna
- First Choice PPO
- NPPN/Multiplan PPO Network
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- Viant/Beechstreet PPO
- KPB/KPBSD Employee insurance
- United Healthcare
Paying Your Bill
Central Peninsula Hospital recognizes that there are different levels of financial need in our community and therefore, provides various payment options as well as a Financial Assistance Program.
Prompt Payment in Full adjustment
If you are paying your self pay balance in full within 60 days of the initial self pay statement you may request a 25% prompt pay discount.
Monthly Payment Contract Arrangements
If you are unable to pay your account in full, interest free payment plans may be established based on the balance of your account.
Payment plans may be established in MyChart or by speaking to your financial counselor. Auto-payment plans, where your credit card is auto-charged each month, can only be established by the guarantor in MyChart.
Instructions for updating/managing an existing payment plan, including updating a credit card on an existing auto-payment plan in MyChart: CLICK HERE
Central Peninsula Hospital Financial Counselors
The last name on the account begins with:
A to L
Your personal Financial Counselor is here to help at . . . (907) 714-4857
M to Z
Your personal Financial Counselor is here to help at . . . (907) 714-4400
Insurance Billing
All patients should familiarize themselves with the terms of their insurance coverage. This will help you understand the hospital’s billing procedures and charges. If there is a question about your insurance coverage, a Financial Counselor will contact you or a member of your family while you are in the hospital. Information may be needed in order to process your claims.
If You Have Health Insurance
We will need a copy of your identification card. We also may need the insurance forms that are supplied by your employer or the insurance company. You will be asked to assign benefits from the insurance company directly to the hospital. Your plan may have special requirements, such as a second surgical opinion or pre-certification, for certain tests or procedures. It is your responsibility to make sure the requirements of your plan have been met. If your plan’s requirements are not followed, you may be financially responsible for all or part of the services rendered in the hospital. Some physician specialists may not participate in your healthcare plan and their services may not be covered.
If You Are Covered by Medicare
We will need a copy of your Medicare card to verify eligibility and process your Medicare claim. You should be aware that the Medicare program specifically excludes payment for certain items and services, such as cosmetic surgery, some oral surgery procedures, personal comfort items, hearing evaluations and others. Deductibles and co-payments are also the responsibility of the patient. During your hospital stay, the hospital staff will be working with you to prepare for your safe discharge and arrange for services you may need after you leave the hospital. When you no longer need inpatient hospital care, your doctor or the hospital staff will inform you of your planned discharge date. If you think you are being discharged too soon, you can talk to the hospital staff; your doctor and your managed care plan (if you belong to one) about your concerns. To speak with someone at the hospital about this issue, call 714- 4780.
You also have the right to an appeal, that is, a review of your case by a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO). The QIO is an outside reviewer hired by Medicare to look at your case to decide whether you are ready to leave the hospital. Report any concerns you have about the quality of care you receive to the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) listed below:
Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-305-6759
TTY: 855-843-4776
Local Phone: 216-447-9604
Toll Free Fax: 844-878-7921
Web: www.keprioqio.com
Mailing Address:
5700 Lombardo Center Dr Ste 100
Seven Hills, OH 44131
If You Are Covered by Medicaid
We will need a copy of your Medicaid card or coupon. Medicaid also has payment limitations on a number of services and items.
Your Hospital Bill
The hospital is responsible for submitting bills to your insurance company and will do everything possible to expedite your claim. But you should remember that your policy is a contract between you and your insurance company and you have the final responsibility for payment of your hospital bill. We have several payment options available to assist you in paying your bill. Your bill reflects the services you received during your stay. Charges fall into two categories: a basic daily room rate and charges for any special services your physician orders for you, such as x-rays, laboratory tests, medications from the pharmacy and supplies. If you have certain tests or treatments in the hospital, you may receive bills from physicians you did not see in person. These bills are for professional services rendered by these doctors in diagnosing and interpreting test results while you were a patient.
Hospitalists, Pathologists, Radiologists, Cardiologists, and other specialists perform these services and are required to submit separate bills. If you have questions about these bills, please call the number printed on the statement you receive from them.