Home > Central Peninsula Hospital Joint Center > Contact Us
Surgical Coordination Center
250 Hospital Place, Soldotna, AK 99669
Mountain Tower Entrance Main Level
Office: 907-714-5670
Program Cell Phone: 907-252-9258
Fax: 907-262-9016
Email: JointCoordinator@cpgh.org
Joint Program Coordinators:
Christina Scott, BSN
Christy is one of our Program Coordinators at CPH. Christy moved to Alaska in 2018 and began working at CPH as a critical care nurse during which time she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. She transitioned to the role of Program Coordinator and Surgical Services Supervisor in December 2021 where she helps patients throughout the surgical process from pre-op to recovery. She is knowledgeable about the preparation and care that is required for joint replacement patients. Outside of work Christy loves exploring Alaska with her husband and two dogs while actively working towards obtaining her Master’s Degree in Nursing Management and Leadership. She is excited to have the opportunity to help get you back to doing the things you love!
Heather Hays, BSN
A lifelong Alaskan, Heather is the newest member of the Program Coordinator team. She began her medical career back in 2007 here at CPH, and is currently working towards her Graduate Degree as a Nurse Practitioner. Once you’re admitted she checks on you frequently throughout your stay, and does morning rounds with the surgeons to help facilitate clear channels of communication between the surgical team, and the Med/Surg staff that are taking care of you post-operatively.
If you have any questions about our program, please contact us at (907) 714-5670.